
Why am i so bad at real games when i got 1900 above in puzzles ?

if my question seems rude , i am sorry .

i don't get ain't puzzles suppose to improve game. Then why am i so bad at playing ?

I spent few months only playing puzzles and earned 1900 above in puzzles. so why i keep losing so badly ?

Am i missing something ?
„The Portrait of the Good Chess Player“ is a mosaic in which „solving puzzles“ is just a small stone. There are thousands of other skills glued together with tons of playing praxis.
you need to play as well i go by the rule that for every Game i play (15+15) i do 10 Puzzels so it evens out :)

Also you should not play 60+ min if you still miss easy stuff like the pawn killing your rook in your last game. just play 15+15 and get some practice in
Hey there!

You say you are great at puzzles, but it doesn't translate
into the games. Well, I say it could be nerves, since a game
is effectively where it is hard to see the correct patterns, then again in an observation of a position not in play by yourself - this is where you'll most likely find the correct continuation.

Also, if you are able to find some good moves mid game, but you haven't worked on your openings, then you'll most likely fail to produce many victories despite your ability to find some good moves.

I, myself, am bad at chess, because I refuse to learn anything about chess. Out of laziness, I have decided to just keep playing and while slowly learning from my mistakes. So, if I wanted to improve my gameplay, I'd be wise not to count on puzzles alone and instead invest time into the game as a whole (i.e tutorials, tactics, openings, strats, tricks, mate patterns, professional commentary, local chess clubs etc).
I continue to recommend Chess Tempo puzzles as a more accurate representation of what happens in real games (and less of a cherry-picked polarization of what chess is about).
IM Perunovic suggest like daily training at least 1 hour a day tactics and your openings study.So do not worry,go on to solve puzzles,it is the right way to chess improvement.
Puzzles are about kind of forcing moves , with the first move of a puzzle you already know it's about putting pressure on the opponent. So you already analyze the very situation having this in mind. A real match is more open and very often you might miss these situations.
Actually, feel like repeating #2. :D

Shooting penalties well doesn’t make you a good soccer player.
Yeah, I agree with war machine. He doesn't need openings as of now. I can safely say this since I just played him in a rapid game. There are some fundamental things missing, like for example just having an understanding of whether or not a trade is beneficial and what is actually the reward. Also, he leaves pieces without protection fairly often, so there is also some focus/attention needed before moving. Even though he spends a lot of time on a move, he does not look to cover his pieces and he trades away major pieces when he has blundered and is on the losing end.

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