
where do you get fide rating

Hi I think I am ready to try and get a fide rating but I'm not sure where to go to get fide ratings. If someone could help it would be much appreciated.
I think you need to play OTB tournaments, and there you need to have a particular tournament performance.
You need to play FIDE proved tournaments. they can't be kept online. They are organized by your country chess federation. EX: Norwegian Chess Federation. And not just playing, you need to win with FIDE rated players. As I remember, you need to win with 10 FIDE rated players. (I am not sure about the exact amount. but it's similar to 10). And after your tournament is finished after couple of days, if you defeated about 7 to 10 players and if you think you played really well, just go and search whatever your name and FIDE rating. and search. If there is a link click. then you will see your fide ratings. But you need a lot of rating for a FIDE title.

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