
What was your most savage dirty flag?

My opponent was up two queens and still lost :o
Here are two of my Rosen Trophies in the "I feel so dirty" category:

this was very dirty - young children should look away - opponent had been missing mate for what seemed like an eternity and had #1 when he flagged. Fun fact - I also missed mate on move 18!
Ah yes, dirty flags. What else got me to 2200 bullet :)
My opponent showed up late to a tournament game , so wasn't really my fault
Lol. I flagged a 2800 rated IM who is now 2900 two years ago. It was +50 (he was white) until he blundered a knight. Fun to watch the last few moves on realtime.

He did berserk though
Edit: Lol it says that I had 0 seconds for 9 moves
@AsDaGo said in #2:
> Here are two of my Rosen Trophies in the "I feel so dirty" category:
In the 1st board, your opponent had 3 secs to checkmate. Even there were 3 ways to do that. Auw...
@SoftApp said in #7:
> In the 1st board, your opponent had 3 secs to checkmate. Even there were 3 ways to do that. Auw...
@MrPushwood said in #8:
> Actually, there were 4.

Yes, if there were only 3 mates in one, he would've had enough time, but since there were 4, he needed 4 seconds to decide which to play!
@JustA012CheesePlayer said in #6:
> Lol. I flagged a 2800 rated IM who is now 2900 two years ago. It was +50 (he was white) until he blundered a knight. Fun to watch the last few moves on realtime.
I wonder how moving a king rounding squares took less time than moving a king simply up and down ?
But that moment of motions is impressive :)

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