
What is the black equivalent to the Patzer(2. Qh5!?)?

The Patzer (2. Qh5!?) is a well known white opening, known for being tried as and against beginners that can fool unsuspecting newer players but is laughably deflected by more experienced ones.

Does black have any defences that are similar to this?
Assuming 1.e4, e5? A similar defense sounds strange. Perhaps scandinavian?

I think the fishing pole is what you're looking for. Black plays the Sicilian with the queen on c7, develops normally until white castles kingside and then puts the knight on g4 and pawn on h5, hoping that white goes for h3 and hxg4, after which hxg4 unleashes a usually fatal attack on h2. You can beat many beginners with this, especially in bullet.
Nakamura has played it several times

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