
What is everyone's opinion on takebacks?

"Does anyone know any keyboard shortcut...???" Are you serious?HEY! REALITY CHECK! DUMBEST QUESTION EVER POSTED ON A LICHESS FORUM! GETALIFEMATE!
This ongoing and neverending discussion about takebacks reminds me of another ongoing and never ending discussion... something about forgiveness and 'turning the other cheek' up against 'Will to power' and 'God is dead.' I believe a true chess player should be ruthless, merciless, brutal, and determined to win in such a way as to devastate the opponent. I want to beat your ass so bad that you give up playing chess for good... no room for mercy or 'turning the other cheek' or takebacks. This is just my opinion and if you don't like it go cry to your momma.
Do not grant, do not ask for.
Just switch it off.
Instead of begging for takebacks: switch on move confirmation and grant yourself infinite takebacks.
here is a novel idea, trying jumping back any number of pages and read the threads with the same beat to death question.
I give takebacks to my 'regular' opponents; have played 50-100 games with several out der.
I give it to randos when its blatantly a mouse slip; or if I'm simply feeling generous.

would rather takebak and lose from good play then refuse takeback and get a nonsensical win.

only time it bothers me is when somebody wants to takeback more than 1 moveset; (unless its a buddy and we're discovering togetherofc)

Rating means jack.

I'd be power level 5000 by now if I cared. But i dun ;o

Beyond all that, 99% of the time when a opponent asks for a takeback; I win anyway; as I often have already thought through their logical move and the move they wanna takeback was illogical; so tb and back to logic and back to the path I know.
Mb thats y I have no prob doing it.
Vycm...says alot... is that like an acronym or something? V= vacant? y= yes sir or yup,yup,yup? c= creative (wink,wink) m= muck? People like you bore me beyond belief. Good luck to you.
I'd be power level 5000 now if I cared... rating means jack... FOR REAL!!! CAN YOU SAY DELUSIONAL??? What kind of snowflake is this?

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