
what happen when awere rating gone?

Your rating will never disappear unless you close your account, your account gets taken down, or you violate the TOS.
If you mean that your rating will go lower and lower, well, the lowest rating possible on Lichess is 600.
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@InkyDarkBird said in #2:
> Your rating will never disappear unless you close your account, your account gets taken down, or you violate the TOS.
> If you mean that your rating will go lower and lower, well, the lowest rating possible on Lichess is 600.
what about there is no more rating
@arissa_hayfa said in #4:
> no rating how about that?

I'm confused by what you mean by no rating. If you are talking about having no rating in different time controls or variants, then that's just because you haven't played those different time controls or variants yet. Play games with different time controls or variants once in a while.
nothing just practicing mate in 1 verify for hyperbullet pratice

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