
What about trash talk ? What is ok ? What is not ok?

You can do what you want but one wrong word in the chat to me and you are blocked and reported.
If you're going to do it, make sure you've shown your intent to be friendly in chat before any trash talking begins.
@doom12384 That would be even worse. Now it looks like you've promised to be friendly and not followed through, which makes you a liar as well as a poor sport.
It could come across that way. I assume that the trash talk is friendly banter. Delivery needs to be perfect, and even then there is risk. In general, I'd avoid it altogether.

When I said "make sure you've shown your intent to be friendly," I wanted to say that if you're going to trash talk someone, make sure you've made it clear that it's mostly in jest. I certainly could have worded that better, but you're absolutely correct that it could be even worse.
Haha, love it in poker to get other regs on tilt :D in chess, on the other hand, I kind of dislike it. Feels pointless at least.
I ignore these kind of guys... but in my case usually the game finishes in one of two ways:
1. I try to find the most complicated lines, impossible to calculate - where even with 1-2 pieces down position is highly unclear. Sometimes I win - then I respond the same "funny" way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), sometimes I lose - then I just quite without single word.
2. For some reason they sometimes give me extra 10 minutes or more one move before check mate. So I use that time to make a tea or a sandwich, watch some movies... relaxing time..

In real I am often ironic or kinda harsh to friends but they see my expressions, so it's funny. But online? People can't see my intentions, why to be an asshole?
I rarely notice. I never care. I never do it myself, being long out of middle school and all.

Edit: It makes it look like you don't have anything better going for you than chess, just fyi. Don't make me no nevermind, though, if that's what you're going for.
Pizzled you were lucky you were at a school that was that harmless. There are schools were you don't get that option.
Against friends or acquantances I do it sometimes. Against unknown people is a no-no.

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