
Unfair decision

This is the game I played.. and my opponent had only one bishop.. and i had 2 pawns and a bishop.. i was low on time.. and i thought even if i lost my time.. it would be draw by insufficient material.. but lichess gave my opponent victory .. you people look at the game and say how he can win with a bishop..
White king on a1 and bishop on b1. Black king on a3 and bishop on c3. Checkmate.
#3 FIDE Online Arena declares loss in such positions for the first who run out of time because it takes too much computer analysis to identify a dead position.
#6 Following the FIDE rules requiring no mating sequence to exist the 2nd position is not judged to draw.

Consider the position White Ka8 Ba7 and black Kc8 Bc6 which is a mate.

FIDE Online Arena's page about draw cases could be useful

Your 1st position is the case 4. The second position is the case 9.

I won this game on time as my opponent never made a move even though there is no series of legal moves that can result in either player being checkmated.
#6 That isn't an issue, that is how its supposed to be. In the first position neither side can mate the opposing king. In the second position this is possible.

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