
Too excessive cheat report

Today a 2100 told me has reported me for cheating, because i simply squashed with black pieces, of course i am not a cheater, i also reported someone beeing a cheater, but later i understood he was not, he got lucky, he didn't get banned. I am happy for him. He was just a strong 2500 player. I think, it is not because someone is very strong than it is a cheater, i hope my account won't be banned.
Just because you were reported doesn't mean that you will be banned. People get reported for just playing well all the time. Lichess has a sophisticated cheat detection system that can separate out the signal from the noise. Don't worry about it... take it as a compliment to your play.
this happens to me if i get really good at a video game or something and my opponent is too egotistical to admit that someone can be that much better than him.

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