
To grant a takeback or not,

i swiched takeback off for rated game... but all the takeback u want in casual... i believe its the better way to deal whit it ...
I always give take-backs, blunder or mouse slip. I play to have fun and much rather have a challenge than an easy win. In tournaments it would be a foolish thing to do if you're trying to rank as high as possible.
no problem with takeback if it's an obvious mouseslip... like for example other guy wants to take a rook on d1, but puts his rook on d2 instead threatening nothing - that's an obvious mouseslip and I would be pretty obliged to give takeback, otherwise it wouldn't be an honorable win...
I ask for and grant takebacks when is a obvious mouse slip no matter if is rated or casual game. I want to win because I m better player or because at least I played better, not because hand mistake.

Also I usually grant a takeback during casual games if my opponent is low rated and committed a blunder because I think he has the right to learn. But I don't grant takebacks freely because I thought be able to forsee what is going to happen in the board after your move is a part of the itself, a big one actually.
I neither take nor give. You improve by being more careful.
I never ask for a takeback, and I don't accept then either. I actually have disabled the button for asking takeback, just so my opponents don't annoy me spamming it.
In casual games, I'm pretty generous with takebacks, especially if my opponent ruined an interesting position.

In a rated game? No mercy. Even if it was a mouse slip. I consider clicking the right square to be part of the game. If you won't take the extra half second to make sure you're clicking the right square, that's the risk you run.

I play OTB games with an 11-year-old kid who honors touch move like it's one of the Ten Commandments, stands by his moves, and won't take them back even when he knows he made a mistake. Remember, when you ask for takebacks, you are showing less maturity than an 11 year old.

That said, most players have good sportsmanship and the only time I had someone ask to take a move back in a rated game was on the 3rd move of a mate in 3 in my favor.

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