
stuck at 2100, how to get to 2200?

How do we become a 2200 lichess player when we've been stuck at 2100 for a few months?
Don't play like a gambler - play when you want to, when you have fun by doing it. If you lose some rating, do not try to get it back just like that... most offen, tilted, you will lose more and more points (according to my own experience :))
Just remember the rule: Chess isn't race! It takes time!
Even the best of players had phase when they were stuck and that period even streched over years.
So, going by that you aren't stuck.
Should be more easier to increase rating in comparatively slower time control (I mean Rapid).
At your level, you need to strengthen your play by following top level games and mastering puzzles.
If you are more focused on faster chess, then play like yourself and don't complain about.
For serious chess you may need to follow advice to improve.
@pointlesswindows said in #2:
> Think like a grandmaster. But be careful, because you might get to 2900.
And how would you define 'thinking like a GM'? I mean your comment makes no sense to help OP.
Since your ultra bullet rating is so much lower, I'd suggest you to check your hardware's response time. Make sure you have:
- use wired gamers mouse
- a 1ms response time monitor, preferably through a DisplayPort connection
- use Firefox (others have a delay on the piece dragging)
- use the correct video driver and monitor driver for you hardware (not generic drives)

Then, try to get used with ultrabullet somehow. After a while, get back to bullet, or blitz, and it will feel like you have much more time.
if you want to get better you have to play rapid.
To get better at Rapid/Classical, make sure you are not missing important concepts, in openings, middlegame or endgame. Don't just search for blunders and "inaccuracies", because those will always happen, they are unavoidable.

For each concept you are checking out, verify your games if it has been applied properly. It you find a game where the concept has not been used correctly, try to remember why did you make the wrong choice of moves. Make the moves that seem to match with the concept. After your done with your own analysis, use the engine to revalidate it, evaluating your self-played game sequence.

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