
Speed has replaced Quality (here on lichess in particular)

Yeah.. I wonder why :^)

"-longer time periods are practically non-existent"

You are free to join the Lonewolf (30+30) / Team (45+45) leagues, or even the Series (90+30) once you're on the Slack.
Also of course invited to join TCL (link on my profile), and enter the TCL Classic (45+20; perhaps more like 55+10 in the future, who knows) whenever that starts again! :)

And, repeating myself there, go play Blitz with increment. 5+0 is a wholly outdated joke.
well..people have different reasons to play on the site.

You and I maybe want to practice openings or practice for a tournament or so.

Most players at our level / slightly below don't care about these things at all. They want to get a higher rating, have fun or whatever.

That's why the openings are incredibly skewed towards agressive openings (KID, benoni in particular) or some nonsense where you can make moves fast.

This site has always been like that though IMO - I thought of the coffeehouse flagging chess as a sort of a brand before lichess got more mainstream and attracted all kinds of players.

I don't like it either but I don't think you can expect people to spend time thinking, especially if the faster (and worse) play may lead to higher rating.
This whole thread is an exercise in confirmation bias by @Sarg0n. So far there has been zero openness to more rational interpretations of game strategy. Despite generous efforts to explain by other posters, such as myself in #12 or analysis of specific games he linked above by @IsaVulpes.

Also no responsibility for having chosen to play 5/0 in the first place, when we all have free choice of time controls.

I feel a good summary would be:

In a 5/0 blitz game, if you consistently lose on the clock to someone, he will almost certainly be able to play equal or better quality moves by investing the same amount of time in them as you did. Your lack of time management is not his fault. Nor does it permit you to compare the "high quality" of your moves with ones he spent 2x or 3x less time on. If he actually had lower skill, you'd mate him quickly or your superior positions would burn his clock rapidly.

Your lack of time management is also not the fault of a mythical worldwide trend of "speed replacing quality". Where there is an incentive to gain rating, people will move toward more rational game strategies, since they win. For each move, speed vs quality trade offs are a conscious investment of the same bank of chess skill toward the goal of winning. You get better by (1) increasing chess skill and (2) investing your time more rationally.

Anything else is just a way to feel better about yourself.

Warm regards, Burrower 🙏
I think the point is more about preferring 50% record with somewhat balanced games with some chess content instead of 50% record where the wins are off opponents blunders and the losses on time (or vice versa) because the people are playing way too fast for the amount of chess knowledge and skill.

it's rather the perceived experience, not the rating or results.

The experience might differ based on chess background / expectations though.
I play chess for fun - ratings are not for fun. Try playing a totally off base game just for fun and watch chess open up to a more interesting game - W, L, or D,
Enjoy your chess no matter if it is slow or fast! Cheers!
Played this morning, 8+0, symptomatic.

I am not angry - I am peaking and I just take the points. TY.

Since it hasn't been said as far as I can see - I think increment blitz (3+2) is much better than 5+0 in terms of game quality and principles. What I dislike about the finite time control is that it distorts the game, so that if you get to (say) a dead drawn opposite coloured bishop ending with 2 min vs 1 min, 'correct' play is to keep on moving fast and try and flag your opponent. Whereas with 3+2 you are still under time pressure to move fast, but you can play fast and accurately and hold the game (with 3+2 I have had draws under 50 move rule).

And sure clock skills are part of chess, but there is a reason traditional OTB quickplay finishes had the feature that you could claim a draw with less than 2 mins on the clock.

1+0 bullet is different - thats just mindless fun ;)
@Sarg0n , you are an interesting - if not dubious character.

In your last twenty RAPID games your strongest opponent is 2148, and the second strongest is 2119.The rest are <2100. If I venture slightly further, then the strongest opponent I see you played is a Ecomate a 2200 rapid player: to whom you lost all three games.

I now look at the blitz you played. Your last game was against a 1843. The next nine games were all against <2000 players. Among your next twenty you play only a handful of 2200s, and one 2308 (in this game you made an awful blunder losing a piece).

1) You do not care to play better quality chess. In the last four weeks you have played without time increments.
2) You like the idea of having a finite time control (opportunity to utilise speed to flag people). The rapid games you play are more analogous to blitz (8-0 time cadence). Again, for someone that cares for quality this is a very odd time control.
3) Your ratings are constructed from playing seriously weaker players (again someone that cares about quality and as a '2300' it is odd you play so many <2100. I suspect after twenty games against real 2300s you would be <2200. To say you are "peaking" in post #78 is laughable.

1) You have posted games whereby players have been opportunistic (playing pieces to squares in hope of you making a pre-move). It says nothing about their actual chess quality - heck, even I like to stick a Bh6 in blitz games from time to time.
2) You cherry-pick opponents to artificially boost your rating. And yet you have the audacity to create a post about chess quality replacing speed.

You are a hypocrite.

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