
Reopening Discussion On the LGBTQ Prideful Month Announcement

The discussion of the LGBTQ Pride celebration announcement should never have been closed. It's perfectly okay in good discourse to lend respectful pushback. The problem that I have, for instance, is that people who are LGBTQ should not want to stick out if they want accepted. Just like the rest of us, they need to let their ratings, wins and losses, et al do the talking. No one needs to promote their sexuality on a site having to do with chess. Just play the game and keep what goes on behind closed doors silent. AFter all, that's how we can best maintain a sense of equality in the venue. For a bit of disclosure, I'm totally blind. But should that afford me any special treatment or recognition beyond the excellent blind mode on the Lichess site that jives with my screen reader? No, my raiting should reflect my game progress and the bare bones of computer analysis can tell me how well or accurately I play. That's what we can take pride in when dealing with chess, not our sexuality or identity. Just play the game!
I don't understand why they closed the discussion page. If they are bold enough to make an overtly political blog post, I wonder what prevents them from being bold enough to hear responses to their article.

DavidRosenkoetter said in #1:
> Just like the rest of us, they need to let their ratings, wins and losses, et al do the talking. No one needs to promote their sexuality on a site having to do with chess. Just play the game and keep what goes on behind closed doors silent. AFter all, that's how we can best maintain a sense of equality in the venue.

I completely agree. The advantage of playing online chess is one couldn't care less about his/her opponent's appearance or gender or skin colour or whatever physical trait.
@St-George said in #2:
> I don't understand why they closed the discussion page. If they are bold enough to make an overtly political blog post, I wonder what prevents them from being bold enough to hear responses to their article.

Most likely the problem is that while there are a few people respectfully voicing their opinions there are way too many hateful trolls, especially when it comes to sexuality. So it may simply not be feasible to keep discussion open and delete all the out-of-bounds trolling and hate in a timely manner.
Just when I thought chess was safe from the BS engulfing the rest of the world.The OP hit the nail on the head.
I would like to say what i think but our period and censorship in general in western societies makes this impossible.
Thiz type of thing is Lame & disgusting its better not to mention it at all.
Please eradicate this topic.
@St-George said in #2:
> I don't understand why they closed the discussion page. If they are bold enough to make an overtly political blog post, I wonder what prevents them from being bold enough to hear responses to their article.

What responses? Hundreds of people saying absolutely horrible stuff that should never be said to anyone, calling LGBT people sick, disgusting, mentally ill, deranged, etc.? Yeah, I really wonder why they closed the topic...
> I'm totally blind

most people can see, why should we spend so much money accommodating the small minority of blind people?
we shouldn't have to create and maintain special access for them. If blind people want to be accepted, they should have to play the same way as normal people play. AFter all, that's how we can best maintain a sense of equality in the venue.
@DavidRosenkoetter you know, just as a calm statement, there were no need for "pride" or any other emphasis if there were no homophobia, no intolerance and no hate.

LGBT+ people don't request you to like or admire them. They just request you to respect. Again, there were no need for this movement or "sticking out" if said respect were trivial (which it should be without further saying ... but guess about humanity ...) I think I speak on behalf of almost all LGBT+ people when I say all they want and dream of is to be accepted as normal, without feeling as "standing out".

if you're ever annoyed from special attention for LGBT+ and the movement, then blame these things first.


besides, did Lichess even celebrate Pride month that much, as it's over now? We had a rainbow-styled discord icon, fine, but many other communities did so too. We did not have a special arena, that would have been cool.

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