

to find the best solution in puzzles seem to imply that there is only one , but often I see another winning position but loose points when trying. I think it would be fair to acknowledge any winning move of equal value. Some solutions seemingly make no sense at all. I am a beginner in chess, made it to 1660 with puzzles and are naturally disappointed when this happens. One more question, I also play as nonpaying registered on and want to import some games for analysis. But they don't show on my profile. Thank you. Lichess is a great programme.
Sometimes I'll think the same when I get a puzzle wrong, but after looking at it with the computer after, I see that what I had played was not as good as the correct answer for certain reasons. Generally, there is only one correct answer, unless on the final move of a checkmate sequence there are a few ways to deliver it, and as long as the way is valid, it will be counted as correct. If you still think your move is equally valid, maybe ask someone to explain why it isn't as good?
There is always only one correct answer. All other moves are terrible.

The only exception is mate in one, all mates in one are valid.

Show us which puzzles you think have multiple solutions, and we'll show you how you're wrong.
@wejot after importing the game, go to profile, then games then using the drop down menu go to imported games.
Imported games go in the imported games section of your games and I can see the games you imported buddy. Believe him when he says this other moves are terrible just take time to analyze and you will understand, if you can’t understand ask a stronger player or check with the engine but a strong player is better because he can explain why this or that doesn’t work.
@thibault I have seen a few puzzles which if I analysis the best move isn't always the one in the puzzle.
I have stopped playing puzzles because to hit the exact correct move often is a chancy matter, and more points gone again. There was one that made no sense at all, in the endgame section, and had nothing to do with an endgame, had no slution at all. I am not complaining, it is what it is. If I come across one again I will post the link. Thanks, everybody
You will find your puzzle history here:

Note that if I pretend unicorns exist, but without actually presenting a unicorn or a picture of one, no-one will believe me.

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