
Pros & Cons: Playing against A.I. Vs. Playing against humans.

I do not play chess with humans and prefer to play chess with Stockfish... Is this a bad thing? ( I have played chess with humans in the past.) The primary reason that I am done with playing chess with humans is because of their 'feelings' and 'fragile egos'... When I crush a human opponent I wonder if they are going to be 'okay'... it conflicts with my sense of compassion and empathy. And I find Stockfish to be a wonderful opponent: Stockfish is always there for me through thick and thin... Stockfish never leaves the game without resigning... Stockfish is never drunk or playing 'off tilt'... Stockfish plays strong even in a lost postion ( I love those sneaky stalemates)... Stockfish never asks for a draw when I have mate in two...Stockfish never asks for a takeback... Stockfish does not leave nasty chatter in the chat box... And there is so much more. Stockfish has been so good to me. Why does anyone play chess with humans? Seriously? JMO.
haha nice projection of your fears on others
"The primary reason that I am done with playing chess with humans is because of their 'feelings' and 'fragile egos'... When I crush a human opponent I wonder if they are going to be 'okay'... "
Are you ok and your fragile ego when you lose to a human?
If yes try playing chess, its fun
If not keep doing that thing you do
MorningCoffe: Thank you for your response. ( By the way, cool user name... MorningCoffe... the dawn of a new day... awakening.) well, anyways, I have played 4 or 5 thousand games of chess with human opponets: thousands of wins and thousands of losses ( rapid and classical time controls) been there, done that. I just believe that playing against stockfish is a more pleasant experience than human play and I suspect that it is more responsible as well. perhaps one day in the distant future humans will stop cannibilizing each other. I dream of a future where chessplayers only play against A.I. / I dream of a future where humanity is less ego-centric; less subjective; and more objective./ Playing against A.I. can teach humanity so much. JMO.
But, it's much more pleasant to play with humans. The AI cannot replicate the human blunders. It plays differently. The blunders are stupid and not natural. There are no faulty plans. The AI also plays same thing all the time. No variety and too boring. Also, it's more satisfying to defeat humans than some weakened bots.
#1 I rarely play against the machine, I only play humans..I hope. If you defeat Stockfish...You may be hurting the fragile ego's and feelings of the Stockfish developers. I just think of Stock fish as being the "Great Kibitzer" :] Long time no see... MorningCoffee... Looks like you are playing well. :]
Look at this. I played Stockfish lvl 4. It plays horribly, much worse than a human rated 1600.
Playing stockfish is very different than playing a human opponent.
The blunders are strange and other worldly.
It is sort of like having a conversation with an alien life form. Kinda cool.
How about playing the highest level Stockfish?
Level 5 is also quite weak

So, playing against weak AI is not beneficial for improvement. Stockfish level 5 is equivalent to 1300 rated humans.
Humans do not generally go 3. ... Nxe4 in this position. Black, Stockfish level 5, was in resignable position from move 3.
Personally I find playing against stockfish extremely boring and very frustrating.
You sound like you're totally zoinked on acid, btw.

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