
Profile picture and avatar in Lichess

By quality Lichess is better than any others but the only thing is we are missing a profile page with profile pic ( like some similar sites). When I checked in our group, I got an information like it have technical difficulty which require redesign of all pages.
But my suggestion is instead of redesigning all the main pages, Is it possible to have a new page which is something like
Link to "Personal profile" or Profile Summary"which redirect to a NEW PAGE contains
Profile pic (A low resolution one)
Classical Game count win/Loss/Draw Rank
Blitz win/Loss/Draw Rank
Bullet win/Loss/Draw Rank
Personal profile text

Something like that details which summaries some details from all views

Is it something we can consider?.Please consider,support and add your thoughts to make this discussion

We all Love Lichess.

Please share your ideas on this topic.
I hope everybody will support this idea
I must say that I prefer the cool anonymity of Have you noticed that even titled players aren't obliged to tell their real names except to staff? Profile pics allow people to post potentially offensive pictures and their absence keeps the site neat, in my opinion.
Currently, I prefer the way it is now.

My opinion might change, for example if the atmosphere of the site changes (perhaps due to unforeseen changes in management) and people start getting away with abusing their anonymity to insult each other and generally be obnoxious douchebags. But that isn't the case right now, the atmosphere of the site is generally fine.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I prefer the clean look of Lichess and if they start adding features like that it won't be long before you get avatars that show up in the forum and during games ... and everything else that comes with it ( along the lines that @biscuitfiend & @Teamplay mentioned )

Not to mention the addition of unnecissary overhead.
I'd really prefer if this remained as far from behaving like social-media as possible.

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