
player th3moz4rt lost on time - but is any assisted mate still possible for his opponent ?

In the tournament player th3m0z4rt questioned in the Chat room why he lost on time in a K+P v K+B game. the final position is

NM oberschlumpf replied that an assisted mate is possible. Can anyone explain how ?

if the pawn was still on the 6th rank then the White King could walk to the a8 corner then the Black King could go to c8 (or c7) then if White played Pawn a6 to a7 then Black Bishops checks on the a8 diagonal - mate.

But as the white pawn is already on the 7th rank is a mate by Black still possible ?
You can't put the king on C8- and have the bishop checking the king all at once- The pawn is already on the 7th rank!
[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "b7/P7/8/2K5/8/8/7k/8 w - - 0 1"]

1. Kb6 Kg3 2. Kc7 Kf4 3. Kb8 Bg2 4. Kc7 Ke5
5. Kb8 Kd5 6. Kb7 Kd6+ 7. Kb8 Kc6 8. Ka8 Kc7#
Wait, I said, "king on C8"(THAT IS impossible).... Now I see you had the king on c7- Yup, having the king on c7, and having the bishop checking (checkmating) at once IS possible.
#3 can't happen, I don't think you can end up in this position

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