
People with high rating in blitz,rapid and low in Classical

It is me,Captain Kristo
I would like ask You-Why some people with high rating in bullet,blitz,rapid are weak in Classical game?
Thank You
Good observation @rzenaikrzys ! I never even realized that. One reason, in my opinion, could be that losing on time in classical is rare compare to rapid in blitz. Many high rated players win their games on time. Time could be one factor.
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Its not that some high ranked fast tc players arent good; its that they arent patient.

The classical time control; at MINIMUM; is 30 minutes per side, so looking at a potential 1 hour + of gametime, with it potentially being longer if a player moves fast at some point (due to clock not moving on premoves)

Thats compared to the blitz tcs where that same player might be able to play 20-30 games in that same hour that ONE classical game could take.

Due to this, one can easily get distracted in classical, or simply stop caring.


Lol, a 'lot of high ranked players win their games on time'

Against low ranked players, sure. But unless u are talking about 0+1 or ultra time has little bearing on games past a certain ranking. (those players who would actually join said game at that level, will be able handle it; hence it comes down to good games not time)

loads of 0-0-0 or 010 games at super low tcs on the higher ranks.

Id say getting rating points from resigns; or people simply leaving the game and not resigning; in rapid and classical is just as common as getting rating points from time outs in anything 1+0 & over

@machajda @rzenaikrzys @Saberranj @TrapAlert
@rzenaikrzys ... Hi! I may want to share some insights about this. One fact which is true in my case is that playing longer time controls online maybe subjected to cheating by players who uses computer assistance. As it was in my situation, lichess has a system to detect moves coming from computers. I am always using computers to improve my game. For some reasons, My move choices most of the time mirrors the top choices of chess engines since my main training tool are computers this might have lead my intuition to develop in such a way that it has the tendency to select moves that chess engines use. I'm playing 5 mins and 3 mins blitz time control sometimes bullet so I'm not really sure how lichess apply their "anti-cheating" detection system. If it is related to frequent using of "alt-tab" it is such so because I'm playing chess at work. In order to avoid conflict with authorities, I'm using "alt-tab" in order to cover the lichess webpage once my boss walks-in and resume playing once he is gone. If you're playing shorter time control cheating using chess engines is least likely because of time constraints. I hope I did share some useful insights to you and to others. Cheers!
Centipede thought about which foot to start moving ... thought about it and stayed where he was. These players are like a centipede. They play with the spinal cord, the corner of the eye. But as there is time to think, it becomes immediately uncomfortable for them.
A very strong player with a deep move selection process is likely lower rated in blitz (or sometimes just an unrefined creative process). The converse is a strong player with a shallow selection process and is higher rated in blitz.

Edit: Just considered the idea that opening repertoire will also have a strong effect... Some openings give more practical choices, while others require more thought to prove and advantage or lack of.

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