
New irritating "takeback" trend

What is with those 2100+ players who hang something and then ask for takebacks! Gosh grow up! A brief run through my game list (and I imagine this goes for most people) will show you how many promising or even won positions I've lost due to oversight or even mouseslip. It is frustrating sure but it's part of the game. To be able to "try out an idea" and when it does not work ask for a takeback is NOT how chess works. Unfortunately most of them swear too when the request is declined :( The only time I might consider a takeback is in the opening if for instance one wants to castle and drops his K in f1(f8), even then ... NOT guaranteed. To sum it up, if you have a 2000+ rating you know how the game is played, grow up !
I agree. Even a child should be able to deal with making a mistake, including mouse slips.

You can turn off takebacks in profile, preferences, game behaviour.
Yeah, had this experience this morning. I have disabled tb so after my opponent (rating 2222!) blundered his Q he asked via chat: takeback pls, pls, whether I want to win like that...

Indeed. I won like that.
They should activate move confirmation in their profile.
People are willing to give up half their time for a berserk arena point.
Giving up less time to get rid of blunders and mouse slips is a good proposition.
Completely agree. Have TB disabled too because it annoys the hell out of me when somebody screws up and does not have the spine to deal with it.
Was takeback not originally added for the dreaded mouseslip?

I play against people hanging their Queen on the other side of the board whilst castling and asking for takebacks. No way I am going to give you a takeback. There is a resign button. Push that and rematch instead.
The higher the rating the more socially inept people seem to be...the two are intertwined
Online chess since 2000 with: No takebacks asked or given!
it's not new to me, me and the little ankle biters like me always deal with this. I've disabled take backs long ago but yesterday someone made me feel guilty through the chat (ffs!) about his bishop misclick so i just threatened it instead of grabbing. these f'ers get worse every day lol

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