
New chess variant: Puppetmaster chess

The rules are simple:
1. The opponent chooses which piece you have to play, whereafter you are free to decide where it moves.
2. The chosen piece must have a legal move.
3. All else remains the same.

I just came up with it, but haven't played it yet. Anyway, it seems fun.
Seems like most games would go 1. a3 a6 2. Ra2 Ra7 3. Ra1 Ra8 etc.
Good point. Maybe rule #4. You can't go back where you came from?

I like the simplest of rules. Any suggestions?
This variant would only end with the literal death of a player.
Would be nice to try it out. We can just play a casual move. Piece to move given through chatting. Need to tell opponent which piece to move next before making your own move and pressing clock.
I wonder how does someone win this? For example in a King vs King + Queen endgame, the losing side always tells the King, and even if it does not, say it says K, then Q, then K again, it is impossible to win... It might be possible that such endgame is really rare in this variant but just saying...

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