Donate and Rating

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Some say 2k - 2.1k

Hard to compare OTB to online, often different time limits.
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@Psyamb said in #6:
> One of the posters here is a cheater.
> By the way. He is not alone. There are so, so many like him these days. It’s an bizarre experience to play blitz/rapid these days. A combo of human/machine opponents.

@BorisOspasky said in #8:
> I wonder what his ‘breaking TOS ‘ rating is?

A bit over 2000 blitz rating and between 2200-2300 rapid rating
@Omar_Qara said in #4:
> My Lichess rating is 2252 and rating is 2069, but my Fide rating is 1352

That's what I thought from what I've seen when players with real FIDE rating play against top online players, It's usually ugly.
Online rating is very off and I sometimes believe it serves only one purpose, keeping the users motivated and most importantly on the site and playing. It should be more realistic, but it wouldn't be very good for online chess.
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