
Lichess Feature Request Decisions

I wanted to ask how exactly does lichess determine if a feature request will actually be considered by the lichess team?I don't want to sound rude but I see A LOT of different feature requests by people but not that much addition to lichess based on these requests. Is it even worth writing all these requests?

I wanted to know when was the last time a feature request was added on lichess if that's possible.

Also, would it be a good idea to make a straw poll/summary for all these different feature requests so somebody would take them more seriously?
A lot of features get implemented and now and then there's a summary what the last few features were, e.g.
I would guess a feature request will be implemented if one of the devs (so mostly thibault ;) ) finds the feature useful and feels like implementing it.
There have been straw polls and those things did get implemented.
Also, lichess is open source so if you want you can just write something yourself. ;) (if you know scala...)
Lichess is constantly adding/changing things and fixing bugs. You can follow along (and contribute!) here if you are interested:

You may get the impression that there are no new features because we don't always announce new things the instant they are available.

As far as what the last new feature added was. Zen Mode and the match score/overall score cross table come to mind. I may be forgetting something.
#1 I don't know how to directly answer question; as @NoJoke points out it's possible to see all the changes going on at once!

In general I attempt to provide guidance/context or ask questions, based on my perspective (although I don't get to decide new or improved features, even in cases where I have time & effort to develop those features.
Speaking of new feature, did a new feature just go live?
I was looking at someone's profile when the site disconnected. After reloading the page there's a new "Activity" section in the profile now.
@MoistvonLipwig yes, it's new. I can't see the advantage of the activity tab yet. :/
What I would love is something like "advanced settings", where things like this can be changed according to one's interests. With that, features could be toggled on or off, and everyone could let lichess appear the way he or she wants. @NoJoke what do you think?
What if lichess added a feature that told us how they accepted our suggestion for a feature that would tell us how it got accepted...

and so on...
lol the last time a new feature was added was today I think. Look at your profile
#6 A feature to enable/disable other features? This sounds like it could take months of effort to implement and support as more features are introduced!
#7 Periodically Lichess makes a blog post about new features:

I don't think I've ever seen Lichess implement a suggestion verbatim (in exactly the manner specified by those making suggestions) without considerable discussion. Even my best suggestions (in the forum) require lengthy, thoughtful discussion on IRC/Discord to go anywhere!

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