
Levy Rozman's Catching Cheaters Series..

I don't want to spread hate..But...

Levy's logic is

1. They are higher rated than Levy and non titled so they are cheaters...what about Catask and VariantsOnly ? They are untitled players but are extremely strong...
2.They spend 3-7 seconds on each move so they are a cheater...Honestly this doesn't make sense...How else will you calculate or check if your intuition is right ?
3. They play with high accuracy [low ACPL] they are a cheater...Again doesn't make sense...I have played games with <20 ACPL and high accuracy on chessdotcom...Does that mean I'm a cheater ?
4.They play a natural move like castles which is the best move in the opening, they are a cheater ?
5. In one video..He was playing with a supposed 'cheater' who was up a queen and was about to promote when Levy gave him/her a mate in 1 and said if they play the mate in 1 they are a bot ? Honestly this is BS would you promote a pawn or would you checkmate your opponent ?
6. You play a natural move which Levy doesn't understand he is a cheater ?
7.He has Admin powers which means he can do anything..
8.So basically in his view : Every strong player needs to be titled otherwise you are a cheat ?

Please read the whole thing before commenting...
And provide insights if I am wrong about anything...

Levy stans feel free to downvote this post.
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I used to like Levy's videos but now his cheat detection series is sickening
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#1 Does that mean one cannot play a good game on chesscom or anywhere for that matter ?
Honestly this is confusing how does one know if a guy is cheating or genuinely good at chess ?
@DrZwischenzug in his videos, sometimes the players play the natural move or logical move and he thinks they are cheating.
If he doesn't see the move and if the move is good he calls it cheating which is very questionable if not, wrong
I forgot one thing..If you have a high win/loss ratio you are a cheater ?
You could just be playing weaker opponents than you who have high rating.

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