
Kingscrusher should be banned

Did you look at the games KC or just the cpl i see no strange moves in them
Because of this, the average centipawn loss is brought down, especially when there's a large portion of moves with this advantage. It would be useful to take the pgn up till where the advantage gets large and put just that part as an imported game, then look at the average centipawn loss of that to get an accurate representation of the strength of AMADAN's moves.
I think its frankly as clear as day something is very weird about the accuracy levels and I am sorry for anyone who thinks otherwise. Rememeber this was the HYPER-bullet from earlier - 30 seconds each. Seriously if Amadan is a GM or something in real life, then I will consider apologising.

Also if he wants to do a dual commentary stream - e.g. 1st to 10 and wins I will consider giving him a prize of 100 dollars by paypal as long as he does semi decent commentary for the match. If I win such a dual commentary match, then he doesn't owe me anything. Amadan, if you are interested in such a dual comkmentary challenge then lets arrange it.
Throwing out these accusations on a 'private stream' with thousands of followers is very dangerous and can damage a reputation if you're not being careful.
Video of Kingscrusher's rant--->

KINGSCRUSHER, I don't know a word to describe how low you can go.

First off, you humiliated AMADAN, in front of your "PRIVATE" Chess Stream? Well sorry, I believe Lichess is a public site, so no, it is public. A good option is to stop streaming for lichess, and don't stream at all, and then it can be private.

During the stream you scan through an array of games, looking for one to accuse AMADAN. Well shame on you, of course you will find one such as:

Poor example:

This is a game where AMADAN wins in 15 moves after you blunders. WELL OF COURSE UR GOING TO PLAY THE OPENING CORRECTLY! I would be surprised if you a player of AMADAN's caliber should not!

And now you tell AMADAN to explain this "weird opening", one which he consistently beats u in? Come on, learn your theory KingsCrusher, because it's not that AMADAN is using an engine script, but he played out of your preparation.

Then you tell AMADAN to explain himself, and AMADAN is fully aware that anything he says in your chat, will be shot down by you and your fans.

You really stooped low this time, I personally feel ashamed to have looked up to you and to have watched your videos, when your real personality is hidden under your calm demeanor.

So stop hiding and acting like you are a victim, because if you look in the video I posted above, you were really, out of hand.

I really do hope the moderators take your stream off the site's front page, because it doesn't belong there (Perhaps it's too public).

You also mentioned "If I am wrong I will leave the site" So please back your bags and leave.
#55 #62 I think IMaDirtyCheater wasn't proven as a cheater, he just closed his account. I still believe in him, I watched his streams and seemed legit.
IsolatedPun-Youtube :

You won't be happy if Amadan does a dual commentary match then?! Seriously I can arrange a prize for him if we have such a match and don't expect any prize in return if I win the match.

Is he chicken for such a dual commentary match?!
Make it $500 and I am in, the winner of the match gets paid $500 regardless of something as subjective as commentary quality.

I think we should have some serious moderation here.

It seems to me that there is a double standard and that streamers should follow the same rules as other players; and that the mods should not hesitate to enforce those rules.

There needs to be clarification on the rules that streamers should follow when broadcasting from lichess; but in this case the stream itself is quite damning. It is not acceptable for players to accuse one another of cheating - something that has happened with impunity on various streams, but especially KC's.

Instead of asking for the thread to be closed, perhaps KC could publicly apologise to AMADAN - who is a perfectly nice person and a wonderful player - for wrongfully alleging impropriety.
"You won't be happy if Amadan does a dual commentary match then?! Seriously I can arrange a prize for him if we have such a match and don't expect any prize in return if I win the match."

WHAT KC? That answers a lot. No, I want you to properly answer post #65

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