
Is there a perfect match?

There is a match with 0 inaccuracies, 0 errors 0 blunders, and 0 of centipawn loss?
Well, depends how you're calculating accuracy. 100% accuracy would be the engine whose evaluation is being used to calculate accuracy, playing against itself. Can this engine be beaten? Probably. But chess is such an insanely complex game that, as of yet, a mathematically unbeatable engine has not yet been made.

This is not the perfect match, even because I lost, but there are, 0 inaccuracies, 0
errors, 0 mistakes and 5 Centipawn Loss
That was the smallest amount of centipawm loss that I was able to do
A game having 0 centipawn loss does not mean it's perfect, it just means that's what Stockfish would've played on every move. Chess is not a solved game, so Stockfish or any other engine doesn't play perfectly even if they play much better than humans.

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