
Is it Possible to Lose Via Checkmate While Playing Perfect (0-0-0) against Someone Who Isnt?

I'm just curious if thats possible at all.

Where you have a 0 blunder 0 innacc 0 mistake game and end up getting checkmated against someone who has at least 1 blunder mistake or inaccuracy.
Well, if the computer is strong who is checking for these kind of stuff, it should be a draw / win right?

If you play perfect and lose, i think the game would be destroyed? Because if you lose when playing perfectly, then how could you ever win? :)

I can imagine that. 0-0-0 doesn't mean perfect play. You can make moves that drop your evaluation under 0.5 pawns, which is required for it to be an inaccuracy.
Perfect moves could fall into zugzwang, if material value had more important than positional advantages.

If the player does not visualize the same horizon as their opponent, than it might become too late to fix the situation. Material wise, the player might be gaining material on the Queen side, but lose the positional advantage on the King side. Which could lead to a draw or a checkmate.

Moves are affected by the evaluation of the horizon.
Accurate play is like aiming at the active opponent forces.
Better question: Does anyone have an example of a 0-0-0 game where the side with 0-0-0 loses?

I think I saw one a while back. It did not complete to checkmate, but the better side was +8 or so, and it was coming.

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