
is chess related to climate change?

so this might be bit weird for some people but i have the theory that chess might be one of the biggest contributers to global warming, also known as climate change. so on the more obvious site of things, super GMS and GMS and world championship champuons all contribute EMMENSLY to climate change by flying from country to country just to move some wooden pieces on a wooden board. secondly, all those pieces must be fabricated by using carbon dioxide and nitrium, combining together to nutreonuclear elements who further warm the atmosphere and cause massiv glacier melt in the arctic and saudi arabia. if this hasnt already made you think about further engaging in this extremely enviormental poluting "activity" i also want to point out that gary kasparov himself said inn an interview from 1867 that QUOTE: "i think we indeed created a weapon of mass destruction comparable to a asteroid impact by making this stupid chess game popular to the masses". Garl kasparov is also known to posses a doomsday bunker in his backyard for when shit comes to hit the fan...
You forgot to mention that all individuals who play chess, most of them atleast, tend to think! Thinking overheats the brain, making it to produce smoke in order to come up with good ideas, but in the process, harming the environment and adding up to the madness that is global warming...
Those few chess players... uhm, they contribute, sure. Some ppb (parts per billion) of the travelers who travel for other reasons than „chess“.

Not sure if trolling or ...
Chess really is the favorite sport of the pseudo intellectuals
obviously not trolling. another factor which comes into play is online chess which you all partake in. you all are contributors to climate change! every chess game you play online offsets carbon into our atmosphere. i wont no longer participate in online chess
On a different note, @Sarg0n can I message you a question about openings? You seem to know a lot of things and my question isn't too deep, I just don't wanna flood the forums with my threads.

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