
Insufficient material draws

Can someone explain why exactly this is a loss and not an insufficient material draw when white runs out of time?
I think there have to be no pawns on the board for it to draw
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Fide rules says that if you are timed out and Checkmate Is Possible in ANY COMBINATION OF LEGAL moves then you are loosing
For example if you have a queen and king vs knight (or bishop ) with king than If you are timed out the game is drawn because there is no such combination of legal moves that leads to checkmate
@Player8091 said in #4:
> Fide rules says that if you are timed out and Checkmate Is Possible in ANY COMBINATION OF LEGAL moves then you are loosing
That's ridiculous. Any other site calls that a draw.
Just learn Fide rules and you won't have any questions in different situations
@Karl_V said in #6:
> That's ridiculous. Any other site calls that a draw.

All of them which follow FIDE rules - so atleast FIDE arena does so. probably is following USA rules. But that is stupid. On international site international rules should be followed
You lost on time. There is nothing ridiculous about it.

FIDE makes an exception to the rule only if there is no possible legal way for your opponent to checkmate you. Then the game is declared a draw, despite you losing on time. If they can never checkmate you, they can never win. If they can never win then they don't get the whole point.

In you game they can, so exception doesn't apply. Thus the result stands.

Time is part of the game as illustrated by your own games, e.g.

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