
I present the best game in the history of chess

It's a nice game! I like how you took a positional approach early on with 1.d4!
Your superior positional understanding was then further demonstrated, not only emphasizing development but immediately taking advantage of the horrible dark-square weaknesses created by 1...g6? At this point, your opponent seemed to wake up and realize that he finally had to do something about your much stronger center, so he accordingly played the sensible 2...Bg7! putting pressure on your d4-pawn. However, it was too little too late! Even after the suboptimal 3.Bxg7?! black saw nothing better than to resign and rightfully so: he's being deprived of the opportunity for kingside castling in any foreseeable future and the dark-square weaknesses in his position remain glaringly obvious. However, you had the even stronger move 3.e4!! realizing that he is not yet threatening to take the pawn on d4 since it is defended by your queen. This way, you could have taken possession of the center entirely, leaving your opponent's position completely cramped and paralysed.

Still, a really refreshing game. I am happy seeing that some people, like you, are able enjoy the finer positional nuances of this wonderful game instead of thinking for the short term only. Allow me to share with you an even more brilliant game, if you will. I am positive that you will appreciate the beauty of this astounding, evergreen classic :-)
@Shnippy Thanks for the deep and complex analysis of the color complex weaknesses exploited during this game. I would like to point out that my opponent could have resigned after move 2. The fact that he didn’t shows no respect for the game and should be investigated by an impeachment committee.
I beg to differ. Black obviously went for g6 as means of countering a mate in 42, while allowing a hypermodern approach to center control. The following bishop move to g7 was surely intended to trap whites bishop, ruining whites chances of any kind of checkmate in the following moves. The rook was to be sacrificed in order to gain a positional advantage later on.

Considering blacks superior calculations it became obvious that whites had little to no chances of winning.

This conclusion leads me to believe that black anticipated an easy win and saw no reason to continue playing.
That or his door bell rang.

Stockfish is too primitive to evaluate this masterpiece.


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