
I can't get to 2200 anything

Blitz, Bullet, Rapid or Classical. I just can't break 2200. I was 2 points away in rapid and blitz. What the heck??
In rapid, the difference is quite impressive between a 2200 and a 2100. A 2200 will tend to have more refined plans with a concrete goal while a 2100 will just do something hoping it'll work (which doesn't against 2200+ players). In blitz, you just combine calculation with speed and strat and you get a 2200.
To be fair, 2200s are not that strong, they often give up pieces in blitz and in rapid they lack basic strategical and/or opening knowledge or endgame skills. Even at 2300. 2300s have a very good tactical vision in rapid (blitz is blitz so missing from time to time a mate in 4 is not a big deal). And even though they make concrete and good plans, they often lack the calculation in order to see weither this plan works or not, or which piece to trade at which moment... This is some more advanced strategical knowledge. I have already played multiple 2400s on another account so I can say that a 2400 in rapid can be called a "good player", with a strong opening and endgame knowledge and good strategical understanding. The difference between a 2300 and a 2400 is simple: the 2300 will always lose in the endgame. Even though their endgame skills aren't close to IM or GM level, they can defeat more or less every amateur players quite rapidly. When I faced 2400s, most of my games were lost in the endgame. I've played very rarely 2500s (three times were I even managed to get a win :) ), so I can't really say what's the difference between a 2500 and a 2400 but I guess it's in the endgame knowledge or better calculation.
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not saying they're bad, just that they often miss key ideas or key combinations.
also @Rookitiki some 2200s are rated below 2000 in puzzle. @DrZwischenzug he's wondering how to reach 2200, you're not telling any concrete method...
I'm also suprised on how much hatred I got on the last thred. If anyone feel that I'm wrong please say so :)
When one is close to such figure, one should rest and only after freshness, one should play and it's not easy to cross any figure easily. It happens with everyone. Brush up your tactical skills by playing puzzles in between two games to improve pattern recognition.
All the best!

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