
how was chess invented?

@POGtastic said in #3:
> Garry Chess, of course.
Hmm... Garry gambit exists in chess.
Maybe Before Garry would enter the chess world, he would discover that chess is more like war than like a game. Then one time, Garry kasparov discovered chess and played a game with Anatoly Karpov where he uses the Garry Gambit ( 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nb5 d6 6.c4 Nf6 7.N1c3 a6 8.Na3 d5 ) And then he squeezed Karpov in that game.
First, they invented horsey statue, playing around with it, then bored. Then they invented elephant statue(bishop), playing around with 2 pieces, then bored. Then they invented rhinoceros statue(rook), playing around with 3 pieces, then bored. Then they decided to add king, queen, pawns, board, and rules. They agreed this game was complex enough for the world, and not bored anymore.

Just kidding.
This is unanswerable, because humans didn't invent chess, chess invented humans and everything you read in history/religious/evolution books is utter and absolute nonsense. Everything other than normal chess things (horses, bishops, castle towers, kings, queens, pawns (we are the pawns of course)) are those weird piece sets.
It was probably invented by thinking.
Yes, I'm fun at parties.
@Adi_the_ninja said in #7:
> This is unanswerable, because humans didn't invent chess, chess invented humans and everything you read in
> history/religious/evolution books is utter and absolute nonsense. Everything other than normal chess things (horses, bishops,
> castle towers, kings, queens, pawns (we are the pawns of course)) are those weird piece sets.

And here I thought that it was the Persians all along.
Some old Persian general used rocks to demonstrate a moving army on a grid he drew out in the sand. At first there were a few pieces but then that game became solved so more pieces and new rules were added each time until you get the game we have today, which is about to be solved (same way checkers was by forcing a draw from move one) and which is going to evolve into something else (my idea is 9x9 with two queens on a 9x9 board 960 just scrambles the opening doesn't change the theory).

8x8 on an 8x8 board is too simple in the computer era. We already solved 7-piece tablebases.

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