
How to mate with two bishops please upload to me the best reply I'll be thankful!

The way you have your bishops set up on move 68 (right next to each other) is often a key to these things. Here the Black king cannot prevent the queen.
You missed simple mate in 2 thrice:
39. Nf5 (any move) 40. Ba3#
And: 51. Bf8+ Kh7 52. Rh5#
And: 59. Be5+ Kh6 60. Bf8#

And you gave up knight and rook for the Black bishop. Also, you could have ended the game early if you are good at endgame.
Though I know that one should know 2 bishop checkmate, but that doesn't come that often in games. In fact, statistics say that two bishop ending (no extra pieces) occur once every 6000 games. Also, the two bishop checkmate is at the learn section which others have shared it's link.
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