
How to destroy or put off Caro-Kann players

If the variation should be designed especially for 1700 rated players my recommendation would be the Panov. You get good attacking chances in the resulting IQP positions. They use to play 5...e6 all the time to support the d5-pawn. Nobody plays the „problematic“ endgame line with 5...Nc6 in this rating area.
@Eyon-chess said in #3:
> Hello. In my opinion, one of the hardest challenges white faces is caro-kann defense. I have tried over years different types of variations, but caro-kann stands steady in all variations. The only advice I can give is not to try to find early tricks/win-possibilities, but instead try to play for a balanced/drawish position as long as you can, where you try to establish control in the centre, safety for the king, balance in centre, and sound pawn-structure. Just play to hold the draw/balance as long as you can. The possibilities to win might not come until you reach endgame. But there as well it is important to just hold the draw as long as you can. If you are patient you might experience that your opponent break and blunders before you do. Then you can try to win it.
> Cheers

I just play the panov and I expect a long game. I never try to checkmate in the opening lol. The panov is good. .that is all I can say...
i want to learn the fantasy variation, unfortunately doesnt have pgn games for that variation, i have tried searching online for pgns cant get anywhere, if anyone has a link to kindly share with me
I recommend playing the caro crab. It is very solid and nobody knows what to do against it. It goes 1.e4, c6 2.a4
I'll be honest to you. The exchange variation is the best way to beat the Caro Kann.
@TastyWalrus02 said in #24:
> i want to learn the fantasy variation, unfortunately doesnt have pgn games for that variation, i have tried searching online for pgns cant get anywhere, if anyone has a link to kindly share with me

Go get a pirated database its pretty easy
i play the classical. i try to create imbalances and go for the endgame
@CRAB_IS_THE_BEST said in #25:
> I recommend playing the caro crab. It is very solid and nobody knows what to do against it. It goes 1.e4, c6 2.a4

I think it's better to start with 1. a4. You might even get a reversed crab.

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