
How does it work?

I would like to know something.
Your investigation system about cheating is based on an algorithm, I think.

I would like to know from a moderator, if possible, how a violation report submitted by a player or reported by the algorithm is checked.

Who decides who should be banned from the system?
What is the procedural process to arrive at this decision?
Can an algorithm wrong?
Can a moderator wrong?

If a moderator was wrong to interpret a player's data, and therefore that the player himself was forced to appeal, and that the appeal is negative, how can the player rehabilitate his position within the system, given that player has been deprived of the ability to contest the decision?
I doubt if the mods would reveal it
It's obviously more effective if people don't know about it
As a player i WANT to know how it works. It's not a state secret. Transparency is the key
I'd like to know who's on first but alas, some things we'll never know.
Just as there's no need for transparency in your private matters, there's no need for transparency in this one too.
Some things are better without transparency.
Moreover, one could devise a method to avoid the algorithm and cheat after learning about it
Lichess has to keep this secret, or else people will know how to cheat without being detected.
I don't think mods will reveal these things tough
I hope they are going to do, i don't think it's a secret, as a player i want to know otherwise i will go anywhere if they will not be able to satisfy my needs.
You are free to leave lichess
Lichess will not endanger our playing experience by listening to your needs.
Why exactly do you need to know how the cheating system works? Sounds awfully sus 🤔
It's like hitting my head against a rubber wall

"You are free to leave lichess
Lichess will not endanger our playing experience by listening to your needs"

Yes i can, but I thought lichess had the interest of their players at heart. But hey, thanks for all your reply. We are seeing this world from two points of view.

"Why exactly do you need to know how the cheating system works? Sounds awfully sus"🤔
If you think about that, probably you have a problem, and it's not polite to say that.
We can debate about all our stuff, but i'm doing with respect.

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