
How do you play Ultrabullet?

I am able to play chess just fine (my rating is 1468 and slowly increasing and my correspondence is 1596 and staying about the same) but my ultrabullet rating is just plummeting (it is 1088 and decreasing) . What do I do to improve my ultrabullet skills?
Ultrabullet is all about making good moves very quickly. You can't just randomly make premoves from the opening because then you would get easily mated. However, as time goes below 5 seconds, the main goal is to move as quickly as possible and not lose on time. Moving quickly is all about practice (just like chess in general) so I would focus first on 1 minute and 30 second games to improve your ability to move quickly and then move on to ultrabullet.

I don't have any pro tips though cause I'm not that good at ultrabullet lol
@TMac310 Look at my rating in ultrabullet and you will understand that you are really good in ultabullet.

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