
How can I make it so that the player who does not have a rating can not take my call?

This will happen. Always everything happens the way I want. I have a lot of patience.
Nobody should ever play a classical game with you, as your rating is with a ?

All games from rated players with you when you were unrated should be retracted, so that your blitz and bullet ratings should also be with a ?
Actually, as I mentioned before I started with a new account to try some things out and nothing strange happened. People just played with me. I quickly got rid of the "?" and after 16 days (>80 games) I reached >2200.

However, some percent of all opponents abort always. Not sure why. Maybe they accept the challenge and after accepting they notice the "CM" an then they decide to abort? Just an educated guess, I don't know.
You are not attentive.
Read my earlier posts.
There are answers to your questions.
Hey, it's not gonna happen. The Big Kahuna told so in #10. Discussing is futile.
I already wrote why I'm interrupting the game. I do not want to play with very strong or very weak opponents. When the player's rating is not defined, almost always it is either very strong or very weak player.

I don't think so.
#16 #18 This is hardly the first time the suggestion has been made. Lichess won't make a policy or tool which excludes new players.

(That said, I'm displeased to share #17 which makes it possible to exclude new players.)
@Toadofsky That option can be used to exclude alts of people to play in big tournaments.

@Lyta-Alexander How are you sure about a new player is either too weak or too strong if you abort all games against them and played only about 400 games on lichess?

How do you define "too weak" or "too strong"?

I am >1800 blitz and >1900 rapid but make major blunders once in a bunch of games. Does that make me a "too weak" player?

I sometimes play with <15 ACPL. Does that make me a "too strong" player?

You can not say a player is "too weak" or "too strong" by playing one or two games against them.

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