
Gaming chess help

Hi. I´ m Samarta and this is my problem:

Recently I have been playing fast games and blitz, and I have only managed to lose elo points without stopping. When analyzing my games, I find that I win more in friendly games than in points games. Cause: unknown to me. That is why I ask for help to see where I am wrong and what I should stop doing in the games to improve my game.
4.Nc3 is a bit strange,usually white plays d4 and c3 pawn chain with the advance variation. 6.Bb5 looks like you wanna give him bishop pair without compensation. 7.Ng5 is optimistic. 9.Nxe6 was possible. 12. ...Nxg6 was too easy for black. 14. 00 finally! Losing a time with 16. Nf7 does not deserve words. 20. g4 is a brave but dubious move: your king is unprotected,never pushing kingside pawns with no reason. 22.Qa5: you have 2 pieces undeveloped. 27. Qa3 lol:search for a better move and check with mate in 2. Same with move 28. Then you did a series of checks that honestly none could understand. Now we resume: you lost 2 times mate in 2, you did not develope pieces in opening going on to move knights(other pieces are jealous if you use only knights xD),4.Nc3 is out from book and black has already an equal position.
It's like you're not looking ahead far enough. Some of your moves deal with immediate threats but don't solve the general problem. A good excercise would be to ask yourself how is my opponent going to respond to this? What is his plan right now? and what will he do after this move? In blitz games you don't really have the time for this, so playing longer games would help your development quite a lot.

You are also missing simple captures of pieces. Always keep in mind what pieces are unprotected and what pieces you and your opponent can capture. Again, this is hard in a 3 minute game.
@Samarta since you are already a member of KATG you can ask for help in anything regarding chess not jsut this game in our team forum under the thread " Ask And Receive Help In Your Games" , we created this thread specifically to help our members improve their overhaul chess , we have very strong members that are galdy willing to help and support anyone who ask for it as the spirit in our team goes .

If you want to get better, then classical and rapid are more suitable than blitz.
The pool of players playing rated is generally stronger than the pool of players playing unrated.
Some players do not take unrated games as seriously and play with less focus and concentration.
You may be too nervous when you play rated and more relaxed when you play unrated.

I think I can fix some things in your game but let me ask you. When you play the opening. Let's say the first 10-13 moves. Can you explain some of your thinking?

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