

I understand where the op is coming from. I once had a player ask if he could take back a move by clicking on the take back symbol, When I did not accept he wrote, Fuck you. I did not respond to his remark.

So, I give you a dose of reality and try to stabilize your psychology but I'm the one with my head up my arse? LOL thanks for confirming my suspicions about who you really are.

" Gimme guys who are poor, smart and hungry. And no feelings. You win some, you lose some, but you keep on fighting . . . and if you need a friend, get a dog." - Gordon Gekko
I miss a bit of banter while watching games on chess tv. Pity there is no chat room.
It's good to have pissed off a bunch of you. I have revealed who you are.

Right after posting a response in this, I went in for a game - tenacious player, and i blundered a piece early, but decided to play on.

I ended up with a winning attack and said player resigned - only to leave the room within half a second of resigning.

This is a common occurance.

As for you who thought that "a generation bent on instant gratification" implied millenials, no - it is a current generation of chess players, regardless of age. It does not have to be young or old.

The only ones taking offense to this are the same ones who do this exact thing - you know who you are. It is okay. You are entitled to play your game with a person you don't know, not say hi, not offer a rematch, and bolt out of the room.

But on the other hand, if an opponent at least puts in effort ti offer a rematch, or at least say hi, they will have gained some respect, win or lose.
Just messaged a few of you who seem like you may value more in chess than just a quick win or loss and move onto the next opponent.

I have made some really great friends through real life and other chess apps - it would be nice to be able to do so here as well.

You're looking to make friends here but enjoy pissing people off. Do you realize how much sense this makes? Keep on insulting others, it seems this strategy works out for you (not)
I piss off the ones who I don't want to make friends with - the people who have no interest in actually rematching, or who leave a room half a second after the match is over (like the one I just played).

It wouldn't bother you that I posted this unless there is something I said that triggered you, and in like manner, you are welcome to not respond. You see I didn't send you a message, right ;)
So if someone responds to your post, it means they are triggered? I come from 4chan and Liveleak, there is nothing you can say that will cause an emotional reaction from me. I'm just trying to figure out your logic. Based on your logic, every response you made in this thread to others were based on you being triggered lol Good luck to you m8
I would explain logic to you, but I don't want to waste my time.

Thanks for your unneeded responses.
OP, there might be a couple things to consider here that haven't yet been discussed:

1. Not everyone you play against on lichess speaks English. That's part of the beauty of the site (look at all the translation work that's been done if you haven't recently): chess is our universal means of communication. While we interface with the app and other players in our own language, we all interface with the board the same way.

Unless you're expecting a productive chess session to come from GL, HF and U2, you may want to consider that your opponents don't want to google translate everything you say.

2. People play on mobile devices. Even if you don't, some players like to load up lichess on their phone while they're waiting for the bus, having a smoke, sitting in the car waiting to pick someone up...

Players on mobile devices probably won't want to type much (I personally hate typing with my thumbs, especially when I have to hide the board while I do so) and may not have time to play more than a game at a time with you.

Inferring that these players are rude because they didn't respond to your message or immediately left the board is a gross mischaracterization of the playerbase here.

3. Don't assume that because a player doesn't want to talk online about *your* game that they universally don't have any interest in the social aspect of the game. I can't think of a single good chessplayer I know who hasn't spent many hours in the company of other chessplayers learning socially (blitz, study, practice games, e.g.). Lichess might not be the right forum for them to engage socially.

4. Mischaracterizing every one of these players as a millenial might be doing you more harm than good. There are plenty of older professionals that are also pressed for time in their life and may not have time to accommodate your personal need to talk with someone after the game.

Someone I know plays a few blitz games between his surgeries, then has to scrub up and get back to work. I'm happy he's part of the lichess community and contributes good, diverse games when he plays. It sounds like you'd rather he go play somewhere else?

5. If you want engagement about your games there are resources on lichess for that. You've found the forums -- now all you have to do is find the right group(s) for your skill level to discuss your games! In my experience, it has been more productive for me to use the forums to engage with specific analysis groups on lichess than to find a soapbox from which to blow hot air about how anyone who doesn't talk to me/rematch after a game was born between ~1980 and ~2000.

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