
Do Grandmasters memorize every move that engine plays?

Do Grandmasters memorize every move that engine plays?

It is only when I get to see the middle game I see a dubious looking move. how are they so talented, and how can I improve like that
No They don't remember every move that a engine plays. If they could do that they would need a brain the size of a planet.

Instead, many Grandmasters spend a lot of time in the opening studying opening after opening. To the untrained eye it looks like they memorise engine moves. I have heard top players spend at least half their time just learn new opening moves.

Plus, most engines these day have "opening books" so they play the same moves Grandmasters play.
They are good enough to be able to figure out themselves the moves. Only problem is this takes time, which would cost them later. Which is why they memorize. :)
Not every single move order, but most moves orders in the most common openings like the queens gambit. For us beginners it is enough to memorize every important idea of an opening. And I have to say this concept really pays off. As soon as you understand that certain moves in a specific opening are very good it is a lot easier to develop a plan.
No, I don't think they memorize every move. The engine, in fact, doesn't always play the same moves anyway. They probably just spend a lot of time practicing and studying. And anyway Grandmasters have a lot of experience, so they've got what it takes to win.

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