@vsdgniuz said in #27:
> I think you misunderstand. All I am proving is chess is that chess is not solved yet.
> If I can prove that as on date, no strategy has been found where white can not force a win or draw = black can win even when playing against the best chess engine, it is sufficient to prove that chess is not solved.
That is not true. HeX is a solved game for any N x N sized board: it's a win for the first player with perfect play. And the proof is easy: no game can end in a draw, and with a strategy stealing argument you can show that if there's a winning strategy for the second player, there is one for the first.
But for large enough N, we don't know the strategy.
If you have a way to force a win, then the game is solved. But a game can be solved without having a way to a win.