
Coolest lichess username

IM Having a few...
IM hoping to becoming one day an IM is cause the million possibility to play with the IM as part of the name.
Would be my reason not accept the GM Title to keep the Kool name :)
IM Kool...AndTheGang (just the best Team IM In)
IM UrKnightMarry (to marry a knight must become a nightmare)
IM Gay (only for a modern, open minded user)
IM LichessFan (one name fits all)
IM UrFather (only playing as black)
IM Annoying (also in the forum;)
IM Mortal (not decided jet)

My Real Favorite:
@Mistydoom (looks like a girl becomes at night a chess-superhero)
@hahaha1 (just makes you lough while reading)
@ChuckmateNorris (Hairy Cult)
@hirnloserverlierer (German = Brainlesslooser)
@CreativeThinking (sounds creative)
@legendaryfatguy (He played me with a lot of pressure)
@BewaretheCat (Miau!)
@risky-chess (sounds risky)
@runtilmorrow (run, ruuuuun , run DMC)
@matabichos26 (mataaaaaa! (known from the chat))
@LagWonNotYou (nothing more to say after the game)
@mewantcookiemobile (makes you think not of calculating next move)
@InsaneCheckmaterGirl (sounds insane)
@rookceps (roooooook! (known from the chat))
@kazamaza (the legendary Kazamazaaaaa! (known from the chat))
and last but ...
KingThisPawn (A weak King - a toddling cousin from Dschinghis Khan / Genghis Khan)
@SupremePatzer IM Sorry
Your name is also great! I missed it.
But don't forget to show your own favorite usernames!!!
IM Funny (would also sound funny)
IM Obsessed already then when I was a good skateboarder - that I never wanted to win the competitions, but to show everyone new creative ideas. So I never got the best but developed a very own character. Not everyone likes it - but...
IM Unique (so many kool names for IM's)
IM Jealous-of-IMs (or a real IM of GMs)

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