
Convert old Chessmaster obk books to pgn.

Can someone help with this.
I have a tool obk2pgn that can convert obk books (Chessmaster 9000), to pgn with informant symbols.
obk2pgn works great as long there are no lines with underpromotion in the obk books.
If there are lines with unerpromotion in the obk books obk2pgn fails to convert the obk book to pgn.
If someone thinks he can help me with this please give me you email address, so we can discuss it.
I just find out that the problem is not with obk2pgn but with the MakeBook tool.
The problem is with the created obk books. There are no underpromotions in the obk books (the pawn always promote to a Queen), even if the obk books are created with pgn games with underpromotions. The same problem when I create the obk books with Chessmaster 9000
I will ask John Merlino if he can fix this problem.
mmmm ok :) maybe use another tool supporting underpromotion ?
please share those games were underpromotion is more desirable in studies. interested. i can think only of lasker trap atm.

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