Basically title. I want to coach him on his openings while we're playing a casual match against each other and it would be helpful to have the engine running and also see the lichess database while I'm talking him through openings. will this get my account banned?
Using a chess engine is not permitted for games against humans or bots regardless of whether they are casual or rated. See here for more:
Here's a little trick you can do *play* on the analysis board. Like open the analysis board. Stream it to your brother over discord (or if you are in the same room, obviously not needed) and he tells you which moves he wants to make.
I've heard people suggest using a study, not playing a game.
how about real board? and engine running aside
If you let someone else make decisions for you do you get better at it? Not necessarily. Play a real game with someone with longer time control. Go to the engine after the game to see your errors. Have another experienced player explain it to you or the engine. Chess is about independence not teamwork except with the pieces on the board.
Maybe you can play against certain Stockfish levels, or you can ask a fellow friend if you can (I'm not sure if that's allowed though).
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