
Chess variant where you can respond to a check with a check

@bernkastelhues said in #4:
> Exactly everything you listed, in addition to the fact that it gives black a bit more breathing room.

Giving a bit more breathing room to black also means less winning chances for black.

From a point of view of logic and justice, I see a point. The attacking forces that could give the second mate or check needed not logically stop only because their king could be captured first. That is only because of the rule as given.

If we imagine our forces as an organism instead of an army we might accept that a shot in the head or in the heart is so imminently deadly that with a lost king you cannot close your fist around the would be lost enemy king anymore. But they are displayed as armies, not organisms, and so a counter strike should always be possible.

So, why, then, the chess rules? -Chess is not about taking the enemy king, just about attacking it. -But if not about taking and counter taking, why not about attacking and counter attacking, isn't it the same? -But you cannot leave your king en prise. THAT is the takeaway point. Chess is about never leaving the king en prise. It is peaceful, so peaceful that it does not accept a king en prise. It is really a war game away from war, to fighting peacefully.

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