
Chess terminology for beginner players

Hi, I'll be having my first chess club for kids, 7yr to 10yr, this Wed and I want to introduce them some of
chess terminologies. Here are what I have so far.

-Developing your pieces
-Fianchetto the bishop

Anything else?
Forks and skewers seems like a good 1st class idea as well.
Is fianchetto a first class topic? (Note I'm a new player and I just learned the technique so I'm genuinely curious.) I thought it would be like third or fourth.
This chess glossary provides a great study guide list...but also list for chess terminologies. I don't know of a better general resource for chess related info than wiki's chess pages. You might start with "Absolute Pin vs a Relative Pin" Concentrate on chess basics. :]
In my opinion, you shouldn't both try to teach them the rules of the game and the associated terminology, besides the names of the pieces. After they can recognize check, you can start introducing the "real" names for tactics or setups. For that age group, I would be worried about information overload.
#1 I think you could use the Lichess "Basic Chess Course" as a model for your class. Let them know that if they master all these chess basics...That they are now official, "Chess Players" I've taught a lot of beginners chess...and I always insisted that they master basic chess. I would not play them a game until they did. I found that a beginner can take great delight when they master mating with a king and rook. I once told a student that he could beat the world champion with a King and a rook...he was skeptical...but I made him understand the principle of a forced mate. And he understood. Hope this helps. :]
In my opinion there is no use in explaining terminology itself. I would rather explain and practice(!) a certain tactic, theme, whatever and also its name. There is no point in knowing what a pin is, if you cannot use it or defend against it.
Hmm. If you know what a pin is, you can use it and defend against it. And knowing that it is called a pin, or whatever else you wish to call it but just having a name for it gives you a peg to hang it on, and makes it easier to find and recognise them on the board. That's what chess teachers' experience has taught them, and then our “opinions” don't matter much. Of course if you're talking about just knowing a word but not knowing what it means, that's another thing of course, but i'm sure nobody's suggesting that's a good idea.
The terminology is not relevant.
That what we call a rose would smell as sweet called by any other name.
I always started teaching KQ vs. K, then KR vs. K then Kp vs. K, then KR vs. Kp...
But taigerboy, first control the center, develop, get your king in safety. Fianchetto is developing bishop and preparing to castle, that's getting your king in safety. Checks (including mates), unprotected and inadequately protected pieces, pins, forks, skewers, and overworked pieces are all things to be on the lookout for and against. En passant must also be understood, they're all gonna' meet it as soon as they start to play. And don't worry, kids are beginners, they learn really fast when it comes to games especially. It's us “advanced” ones who have problems getting rid of our bad habits. Good luck.

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