
Chess Question

Hello everyone. I have a question (which I know the answer to) and I want to see how many people can get it right. It is a pretty simple one but you have to think carefully.

Here is the question: Which pieces / pawns can never get to the square a2? For example the white c2 pawn can never get to a2. Try to get all of them and don't look at other comments.

Note: The a2 pawn is already on a2 so this doesn't count as a piece that can't get to a2.
The pieces starting on c1 and f8 and the pawns starting on (b-h)2, g7, h7 can never get to a2.
Depends on conditions as yet unstated. Do we count promotions? If so, all pawns can eventually get to a2 after promoting to some appropriate piece :)

The claim that the c2 pawn cannot reach a2 suggests that promotion does not count, but this wasn't explicitly stated :)
The answer is the pawns from b2 to h2 [ 7 ]. The pawns from b7 to h7 [7]. The bishops on c1 and f8 [2]. There are 16 pieces that cannot ever reach a2 [not including a2]. If they promote obviously only the 2 bishops on c1 and f8 will never get to a2.
All the white pawns, the white bischop on c1, the black pawns on h7 and h8, the black bischop on f8 I think
Okay so pawn promotions do NOT count by the way. I tried to explain this in a hidden way like @a_pleasant_illusion said with the example I posted which was - Note: The a2 pawn is already on a2 so this doesn't count as a piece that can't get to a2. @SethWy you got it in one. @mysterious_expert the pawns from a7 to f7 can reach a2 if they meet the amount of captures required. @schittering06 your basically on the answer, I'll give it to you but, the white pawn on a2 has already reached a2 so this doesn't count and I believe you meant the black pawns oh h7 and g7 which wouuld be correct.

When I did this I thought people would either forget the dark-squared bishops or the g7 and h7 pawns. Thanks!
I mean I will give it to you, you were basically right, you got the parts I mainly wanted people to get which were the bishops as well as the h7 and g7 pawns.

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