
Chess is it a game of etiquette?

Alway shake hands and be respectful of your opponent. Do chess players follow this creed? Some seem to use emotional and other tactics. Any thoughts?
I'm not a fan of the whole shaking hands before a game for two reasons:

1) If you have to do it to play a game without forfeiting, you're not shaking hands out of respect for your opponent but because you have to in order for the game to officially start.

2) If I was playing someone who was talking shit about me the day/week/month before, why should I be expected to shake his hand?
"How Russian chess players used psychic powers against each other

Two of Russia’s finest chess grandmasters, Anatoliy Karpov, and Viktor Korchnoi, both enlisted the help of parapsychologists during their battle to be world champion in 1978. The match was arguably the most scandalous in the history of chess.
A strange spectator in the audience caught Korchnoi’s attention during the game. “A peculiar person appeared! He sat in one of the front rows and was eyeing me up, trying to get my attention. And his connection with Karpov was undeniable. He sat there for five hours straight, immovable, like a robot…One could sense colossal work going on in his mind!” Korchnoi wrote about Vladimir Zoukhar, a military psychologist and official member of Karpov’s team."

So we have already seen very dirty tricks in chess history.
Yes there was a chess book back in the 20's.

A chapter in it was called "Chess Etiquette."

But that chapter was blank...
Interesting stuff. Maybe chess teaches self control. The stare tactic would be annoying. Is it no holds barred when Magnus plays? or is that more Fischer or Tal and of course Karpov?
@Rarelyadraw Obviously, you can't behave like a lunatic in the tournament hall, but ther's no rule that says you have to be the most courteous person on the planet, so long as you play by the rules. You're not breaking rules by staring at the opponent
When playing OTB chess one must expect an audience, but If one is really into hers/his game than it will not matter. Concentration seems to make one forget about everything else which lately is a good thing.
Any attempt to distract your opponent so they don't play their best is bad etiquette. And for those who have a difficult time losing...I suggest checkers ;-)

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