
Cheating In Online Chess Is Almost Non-Existent... stop talking about it like everyone is doing it, should do it, should be scared of others doing it, or should do it just to catch those that are doing it.

This is harmful paranoia, and instead of polluting the atmosphere with, "online chess is getting so bad and everyone cheats," instead up your dosage of whatever drug you need to be taking more of.


Nothing kicks the crap out of the fun of online chess, like *BELIEVING* these people that scream about how cheating is soooooo bad and everyone does it allllll the time.

Even me, knowing how rare the issue is, and knowing how few and far between it is that cheat, EVEN ME, after reading these counter-productive threads...get back to me chess board and start side-eyeing my opponents with suspicion.

If I didn't know better, if I believed these asinine comments about the mannnnnnnny people that cheat, I wouldn't be playing online chess anymore.

What a sick and sad thing that people can come here, bad mouth the sport, leave people with a sour taste, to where they find other hobbies and/ other chess sites.

If you suspect someone is cheating, report them to the admin, add them to your noplay, and move on to your next game against someone who is 99.5% of the time ***NOT*** going to be cheating.

Leave this garbage topic out of the forums.


"Come play online chess where lots of people cheat," is a sentence that needs to be deleted on site.
Good stuff. Learn procedures. Play chess.
There will always be those who seek attention by playing "cards", inflammatory catch phrases.
It is a very small minority that resort to assisted play. They win, so what, it is only "points". Who really gives a rat's ass.
We are hobby players.
@DeeVeeOss actually, you are incorrect. Due to the numerous Chess Engines created, and the Pride that comes from defeating a Higher player. Yes and even ego, and bragging rights. Cheating is almost a norm in Chess.

I am sure this Site has Ban players DAILY. Still yes we LOVE Chess, and like another said, "we are hobby players". We might be, but many of US, still take Chess very serious.

The good thing is that at least, they are TRYING to prevent Cheats from taking over. So that is wonderful for true Chess fanatics and Chess in general.

Still regardless if one wants to hear or ignore the fact that there are numerous cheats, with numerous accounts. Does not make it non existence.

When you eat your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even though you may NOT see it personally, there are MILLIONS of people that haven't eaten in days.... Same as Chess, you make not acknowledge or want to, but there are hundreds of cheats.

Still I love the Sport of Chess, and I am a Fan of True Real players, with same attitude towards it.

Your post is total crap. You have absolutely no evidence "cheating is almost a norm" except your wild speculation. Why even suggest this?
The percentage of cheaters is very low. To say "almost a norm" you're suggesting the percentage is 50% which is total BS. The real percentage can be counted on one hand. Sure, the percentage can be higher, because of the occasional abuser, but they most often tire of it.
I'm ragging on your post as it's not much wanted. The conjecture, without any actual evidence, is not appreciated, and leads to further inaccurate and unnecessary accusations.
Cheaters don't last long, they are quickly weeded out. To say they take "pride, bragging rights, ego etc., that they are trying to take over " shows you have ZERO knowledge regarding the workings of the human mind and the root of the issue.

The OP's Title should be reworded imo. "Almost non-existent" leaves itself open to a couple of cases disputing the claim. 100's of cases and the percentages remain extremely small.

I review most of my games with the analysis feature. Often I'm thinking this guy plays really well, only to find the game was a blunderfest! I suggest players do the same before letting these posts that suggest cheating is "almost the norm" take any influence.

And how would you reword "almost non-existent"?!
Because it's already a generous assesment as it is... would you rather go for a comforting "entirely non-existent" so that you can have peace of mind?

Look, I have never, on any chess server since my first account in '98, reported anyone for cheating (or even simply called him out in chat), because I always give the benefit of doubt, and it doesn't really bother me too much, it's all pointless online games anyway... *however*, that doesn't mean that I don't acknowledge the issue, because it is very real, and while we might call it minor, it is not minuscule as you seem to imply

There are very few sites that directly notifies you when a past opponent has been flagged as cheater, or release actual statistic on ban activity (ever wondered why?); lichess does, at least the former, and on this account alone I can already count dozen on "you have been refunded" popups in the past... there are hundred of thousands of active accounts, do your math

Cheating hysteria is bad, and topics about "lichess dying" because of cheaters are stupid, but burying the head in the sands is bad too...
If you have seen my posted thread on the subject, you would know I am all for open discussion. I am the last person to "bury my head in the sand". In fact just the opposite. We are in complete agreement regarding the posts that "create hysteria". Useless, senseless.
I probably over-reacted to all these threads popping up on the topic. I strongly suspect most of them are not legitimate, but rather are intentionally an attempt to incite, to create discourse, which is very common, in fact the "norm" at other chess site forums.
The issue is real, but far from "the norm." People present no evidence, no facts, no statistics, only their personal suspicions. Fact is statistics show the percentage of cheaters is very small.
I believe the novelty of using chess engines to assist play is declining. In years well past, without the detection methods in place, jeez, everybody and their brother used programs, mostly because they could. It was "new." Many players were not even aware of the possibility. I advocate education regarding how to recognize program users.
Lichess does the best job of detection and most important, taking action. Cheaters go elsewhere, where their life expendency is longer. A very prominent member at chess24 was just flagged here. Deleted his account and disappeared. Message sent.

Why hate?
Exhibits low self esteem.
Are you that bothered?
It's a board game. A hobby.
Don't "hate". You'll get ulcers.

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