
Books vs Videos vs Database

Which do you use for chess study and improvement? Books include PDF. I quit reading chess books and prefer database to study tactics, opening, middle game and endgame. I use SCID and Caissabase but will upgrade to Chessbase and Megadatabase if my finances improves. I don't watch Chess Videos. Of course we know the Professional players use Chessbase. I believe watching Chess Videos is most passive but it still helps.
You mean you still read books? What books are you reading recently if you don't mind sharing.
I read books and use Chessbase and have Lichess for tactics and practice games.

Videos don't work for's passive learning and I can get too easily distracted
Books basically a 2100 in less than three years. "Tactics flow from a superior position" - so yeah gotta get there first.
Books by Boris Gelfand & Rewire Your Chess by Cy ... I even went back tp some old game collections ... a rare one by Kotov on his OWN Games annotated by him ... So I hooked up Game Analysis here with Stockfish to Check his notes it was fascinating . Videos & Databases fine
books apart from often severely unpractical.

i wonder, even if they were perfect, dont they hinder the natural development of feel for speed of how slowplay invites countrrattack and piece play.

if you play by book and lets suppose in some magical way it would not useless, like most likely it is.

wouldnt you win games but stagnate as a player?

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