
IM Minh Le Obliterates a Titled Arena while Soccer Slowly Fades into Obscurity

> (EDITORS NOTE: The word "soccer" was used in this article instead of "football." This is because the word "soccer" is the correct one to describe the sport, in comparison to the word "football," which would be wrong.)

Thank you so much. Finally truth was spoken.
About the puzzle pack, in lichessorg/study/CFea7BPR/lmmncg0m (John) (I don't want the preview) says Black to move but moves white
@Ronak_Veligeti said in #5:
> Also just saying, in the puzzle pack, you guys put "IM Bortnyk" Instead of "GM Bortnyk"
That's IM MIchael, game ArvCN1BG, maybe brother's
Seems like Lichess was taking it's old personal grudge out....! Joke btw, anyways Congo Mutdpro for again creating history and Real Madrid for Winning UEFA.....
"The anti-competitive strategy seems to have worked out well for Lichess. 355 chess players participated in the Titled Arena while only 22 could be found to play in the Soccer game."

Is it true? There are only 22 soccer players left on the world ?

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